What is your booking process and what are your requirements?

Simply call to make a booking, wear your kit and come play!

What is the right age to start kids playing tennis?

From age 4 with an exeption of others under this age bracket who are strong physically, with a high concentration level.

How long does it take for one to learn the basics?

An absolute beginner from age 7 and above, it takes between 7 to 10 hrs (sessions) to get the basics.

Can an adult learn tennis? what is the age limit?

Tennis is a game of a lifetime.

What are the advantages of tennis as a sport?

It builds your physical and mental fitness.

How long before one can be termed as a player champion?

To mould a complete player, it takes between 5 to 7 years of consistent tuition and training, minimum of 3 sessions a week.

What a the advantages of a single class compared to a group lesson?

There are more advantages in a group lesson, study conducted internationally has shown that players learning in a group develop and mature more rapidly compered to a single lesson, which at times can become tedious as they lack competition.

When can a player start taking part in competitions?

As soon as a player can hit a consistent forehand, back hand and serve, then they are ready for their first competition.